Get Your Free Osteoarthritis E-Book Now!
Take control or your arthritis, the healthy way, and get back to the things you love!
A guide to helping you understand osteoarthritis better, debunk some negative myths & narratives about the condition, education about x-rays and their limitations, guidance on what the evidence tells us about the best treatment options for osteoarthritis are and plenty more free resources too!
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It will take no more than 10 SECONDS out of your busy day 😃
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I put this e-book together because as someone who treats osteoarthritis multiple times daily I am forever frustrated and exasperated by the negative things people get told if they have osteoarthritis. That, coupled with the consistent pessimism associated with osteoarthritis online, social media and 'support groups' can often make trying to manage it a scary prospect.
In this e-book you will be able to find easy to understand, practical tips and advice to help you manage your osteoarthritis better at home, to get you back doing the things you love, without the need for injections and surgery. If you answer 'YES' to any of the questions below then this e-book could be just what you are looking for 😃.
Would you like to manage your arthritis naturally, without injections & surgery?
Are you struggling to see your doctor or stuck on a massive COVID waiting list?
Has your doctor told you, you have 'wear & tear' and you feel you've been left to 'get on with it'?
Are you keen to get back to the things you enjoy & love?
Are you worried about a recent scan or x-ray result?
Are you worried about losing your independence in the future?