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Free Osteoarthritis Guidebook
Osteoarthritis treatment

Limited appointments available

  • Things you might be feeling?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is often referred to as an age-related condition, although it is possible to have it as young as 20s & 30s. It is characterised by activity related pain in the affected joint, with or without early morning stiffness lasting less than 30 minutes. 

You may experience some joint swelling, reduced range of movement and joint tenderness. In more advanced OA there may be bony deformity and crepitus (grinding sensation).

  • The best osteoarthritis treatment

I treat people every day of the week with OA and understandably people often feel worried and concerned about their condition. You have often been told you have 'wear & tear' and there's not much that can be done. You may have been to a GP who has just prescribed pain killers you don't want to take. You may have seen a surgeon who has advised you need a joint replacement. This often leaves you feeling quite disillusioned and dejected.

The truth is there are many different treatment options that work incredibly well for OA without the need for pain killers and surgery. It is very well evidenced that physiotherapy should be first line treatment for OA and in many cases will reduce your symptoms significantly. In some cases it is possible to get rid of your pain completely.

  • How I can help

Your symptoms require an in-depth assessment. We'll often start with you telling me about your experience, followed by a few questions about your problem.


At this point we should have a good idea about what is causing your problem. We are then likely to complete a physical examination. During the physical examination we will work together to really pinpoint your area of pain. Importantly, we will go through the activities you struggling with to see if we can adapt them in some way to improve your pain in your first session. This should also mean you can keep you doing the activity rather than stopping completely.


Once we've done this we can consider a bespoke treatment plan, tailored exactly to your needs. This can be done both in person and online.

  • Some osteoarthritis myths

  • You need an x-ray to diagnose OA

  • Running is bad for your knees

  • You should stop exercising if you have OA

  • You need a joint replacement

  • It's destined to get worse

  • Movement has to be completely pain free

  • Physical activity will wear your joint out more

For more information about online and face to face appointments head over to the 'Bookings' page. 

If you have any questions prior to booking, then feel free to drop me an email: or leave an enquiry at the bottom of the home page. 

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