Pre & Post Operative Care

Limited appointments available
Why Prehab?
In short, so you recover quicker.
Surgery is a big deal for anyone and it is important you get the most out of the surgery you have. There is strong evidence to show that spending three months prior to your surgery, optimising the health of the affected area can improve recovery. It is vital that you have the least amount of deficits possible pre surgery, as there will be deficits afterwards.
Additionally, having an appointment before your surgery to ensure you know what to expect can be exceptionally helpful. I see patients every week that weren't aware how much pain they would be experiencing, how much rehabilitation they would have to do, how their sleep would be affected, how long they would not be able to drive or work for. This list goes on. Booking an appointment before your surgery can address all of these queries and expectations and get you a head start with your recovery.
Post Operative Care
Getting the most out of your surgery is absolutely vital. The surgery can be completed successfully, but without appropriate, quality rehabilitation you may not get the results you were hoping for.
Deficits in strength, movement, pain, swelling, balance and proprioception, confidence and even sensation are all common after an operation and need to be addressed. Trying to manage these independently can be scary and overwhelming. Having support with this as early as possible after your operation is likely to get you better quicker.
How I can help
I will be able to provide you with the support you need so you get the most out of your surgery.
During your initial consultation we will work together to design a plan aimed at getting you back to work, the things you enjoy and normal daily life as soon as possible. This will be done respecting any precautions and time frames that may be in place as a result of the surgery you have had. At the same time, if there are no precautions I'll ensure we get you back on your feet and working to your maximum, as your symptoms allow.
We can then review your surgery at appropriate intervals to ensure you are reaching your goals and milestones.
Lastly, if you have been advised you require surgery but you are not sure, I also complete second opinion appointments to establish whether surgery really is the right option for you.
For more information about online and face to face appointments head over to the 'Bookings' page.
If you have any questions prior to booking, then feel free to drop me an email: or leave an enquiry at the bottom of the home page.