What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other

Joint Action - an osteoarthritis related podcast
The Back Pain Podcast - Rob & Dave talk all things self help for all types of low back pain
Arthritis Adventure - In a similar vein to Genuine Physio. Dr Alyssa Kuhn has a brilliant YouTube Channel with lots of evidenced based, practical videos to help you manage your osteoarthritis
O.A. Optimism - The name is in the title! Dr Greg Lehman takes you through what the evidence tells us about O.A. and it's all pretty positive.
University Of Melbourne: Knee Osteoarthritis Video - A video from The University Of Melbourne with real life examples of how people improved their osteoarthritis.
Lorimer Moseley - Pain, The Brain And Your Amazing Protectometer - Dr Lorimer Moseley is one of the leading pain scientists in the world. In this video he talks about how the pain process works.
Lorimer Moseley - The Role Of The Brain In Chronic Pain - Dr Lorimer Moseley discusses the brains role in chronic pain
Permission To Move - Three Easy Steps To Recover From Chronic Pain: Dave Moen founder of 'The The Beast' discusses how to move with persistent pain.
Tame The Beast - It's Time To Rethink Persistent Pain - A 5 minute video explaining persistent pain with Dr Lorimer Moseley.
Persistent Pain Explained In 3 Minutes - Adriaan Louw explains persistent pain in 3 minutes.
Understanding Pain In Less Than 5 Minutes - A 5 minute explanation of persistent pain.
